WestCare Illinois
WestCare came to Illinois in 2006 as the substance abuse treatment provider at Sheridan Correctional Center in Sheridan, Illinois. Since that time, WestCare Illinois has expanded its footprint to include several programs in the City of Chicago.
With services spanning in-custody substance abuse treatment through re-entry, WestCare Illinois has a special expertise around in-custody substance abuse treatment and re-entry programming. Most recently, WestCare Illinois was honored to be a part of the AmeriCorps program; two AmeriCorps staff members are based at our Cook County Jail and focus on working with detained Veterans.
Community-Based Programs
WestCare is a unique provider with an established track record in delivering community services. We offer evidence-based, culturally relevant, gender specific, and bilingual Intensive Outpatient and Basic Outpatient substance use disorder and trauma services to adolescent and adult populations. We are here to help!
Corrections-Based Programs
Our passion for working with offenders and their families, in collaboration with federal agencies, state and county governments and private foundations, throughout the last 42 years, has led WestCare to become a venerable leader in national criminal justice programming.
WestCare Illinois is always looking for people to join us in uplifting the human spirit! Check out our employment opportunities.