WestCare’s Women of Dignity Program at Logan Correctional Center provides 130 women with the opportunity to change and enhance their lives by providing access to quality substance use disorder services. At its inception in October 2015, the program began offering Seeking Safety, the trauma-focused curriculum by Lisa M. Najavits. Seeking Safety is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model that directly addresses both trauma and addiction. Grounded in best practices, trained and credentialed staff provide services that are of the highest quality and ensure that participant satisfaction is high.
WestCare Illinois (WCIL) added a 26-bed Dual-Diagnosis Treatment Program to its well-managed Modified Therapeutic Community (MTC) program at the Logan Correctional Center. Dual diagnosis (also referred to as co-occurring disorders) is a term for when someone experiences a mental illness and a substance use disorder simultaneously. Either disorder—substance use or mental illness—can develop first.